People and Places: Final Film

Final Corrections:
    For the final cut of the film, my main issues were to sort out the audio file and make the narration more coherent to the viewers.
I fixed the issue and made sure to try and reduce the levels of noise in the background that came as a consequence of the increased volume. 
I was asked to add an interview but I felt that the entire essence of the poetic documentary would be slightly diminished as it would add a bit more context to the narrative.

Self Evaluation and Reflection:

    Due to the Pandemic, I was unable to go to most of the locations I had planned, therefore I did not get all the shots I wanted to incorporate. Despite making the intro to make up for the lack of footage, I feel that I would have been able to incorporate more of the story with more footage of the locations I had planned. I also had a shortage of equipment, specifically the mic upon which I recorded the narration, due to a faulty wire, my audio quality suffered a lot. Personally, I am satisfied with the as it was my first proper project and I edited it in 2 days because I ran out of time. I was unfamiliar with the software and it was the first time I had ever shot a video with pre-planned shots with the intent of compiling it into a film. I had about 300 videos of raw footage to choose from and I honestly expected it to be a lot worse.

    As my skills progress, I'm sure my regrets for this film will grow more and more but I hope to reach a level so high that this film becomes almost unrecognizable as my work, or at least perfect my skills so I can achieve a signature look for my films, and its foundations can be found in this.

The Problems Faced:

  • I was unable to go to more than half the locations I had planned,
  • I ran short of footage and fixed the issue by adding an intro filmed at home,
  • I had a very low and incoherent audio that I fixed by adjusting the settings,
  • Some of my footage did not feel relevant to the narration so I shot certain parts of the video at the desk I was editing on,
  • Made a makeshift lightbox for negatives from paper and my phone torch,
  • I used a stock video for one scene as I was unable to get a relevant shot,
  • I made a makeshift recording box out of a towel and a cloth box with foam lining to try and reduce noise.

Final Film:


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