Sound Design Task 1-4

Links are embed in the task titles and are typed at the end of this post incase the embed links do not work.


Boya BY-MM1+

Vivo V23 in-built mic

Sony A6100 in-built mic

 Task 1:

This task asked us to record 15 sounds. I mainly recorded sounds around my room except number 14 which is a recording of a beach I went to in thailand. I mainly tweaked that audio and tried removing as much extra wind and noise as possible from it.

This inluded:

1. Door opening

2. Walking in bedroom slippers

3. Laptop powering on

4. Laptop overheating

5. Sipping a drink

6. Typing

7. Sheets rustling

8. Birds outside my room

9.  Sink turning on and off

10. Ticking Clock

11. Alarm Ringing

12. Nails running along a combs teeth

13. Counting pages

14. Beach

15. Tooth Brushing

Task 2:

The second task asked us to create a sonicscape. The scene I chose to create was a morning routine. We were not required to record all the sounds for the project but I decided to recycle from task 1 since every sound in this except for the face wash one is recorded by me. I used my phones mircrophone which proved to work quite well and I layered the sounds to create a more immersive scene that progresses.

It begins with birds, an alarm and some rustling sheets, then a walk to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.

I added a couple of effects on the recordings of shuffling feet after the bathroom door is opened so that it couple make the action a bit more different as compared to before the door opened.

Task 3:

The concept I thought of for task 3 was a sound film based on the stopmotion animated film, The House. The movie is split into 3 different stories. I wanted to focus on the second story that is shown in it, the main protagonist seems normal from an overview but as the day passes by, he seems more lost and more alone.
As the character in my sound film is also alone, their spiral to insanity is presented only through the one sided conversations on their phone that are heard by listeners as the character goes about their day.

Task 4: 

In general I am reasonably fulfilled with the end result. I had begun learning how to use Audition from scratch and it was quite fun to figure out despite the initial daunting interface.  Be that as it may, had we had a more practical, hands on course rather than hypothetical, I feel the course would have been considerably better.




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