Mid-Term Exhibition and Feedback

Our mid-term Portraits evaluation took place on February 11th 2020 and we were asked to bring A3 sized prints of our Photo Manipulation Assignments as well as our Child Labor assignments that were based around the photo "Girl in The Cotton Mill" by Photographer Lewis Hine.
We had been asked to go out and take permission from a child laborer and photograph them.
The feedback I received for my Child Labor Portraits were that I should have focused solely one child but that the otherwise it was good. Personally I was expecting a little bit more of a comment on the composition of the entire photo in more depth, maybe more comments on the leading lines and other such things that we studied in class but Good is also acceptable.
For the Photo Manipulation assignment, We were asked to manipulate a series of 4 Photographs. I received very good feedback in class about all of them but particularly on the one of the cowboy travelling through a portal but it did not match the other 3 photos that were of mushrooms.
I attempted to blend them together slightly by adding similar coloured bokeh dots all over the images in photoshop.
The feedback I recieved on it was that the images were all individually exceptional but put together, the single photo of the time travelling cowboy was out of place and that I should have editted another image of a mushroom instead.
No comments were made about the display. We were given an hour to set up and had next to no supplies as there was a misunderstanding that led to us thinking we wouldn't have to set up the displays.
I found drying racks in the fashion department and a bundle of wire lying around the university and utilized them, I spiralled the wire around a pen and wrapped the ends around the drying rack to make a sort of pattern and proceeded to suspend the images with the inspiration print outs hung next to them.
For the child labor images, I used 4 drawing boards to display them. One for pinning the images and Three to make a sort of stand for it to rest on.



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